Frequently Asked Questions

Please note: We are working on our website right now and our old FAQ is currently out of date (as of July 2024). We are working on getting these updated for you as soon as possible!

What is bone broth?

If the term "bone broth" throws you off, you may have heard it referred to as chicken or beef stock. Thing is, those are technically different things. Where stock is cooked for around 1-3 hours, broth is slow-simmered for long periods of time, resulting in different flavor profiles, a different nutrient make-up, and how they act in your body. But, without getting too technical, at its simplest, broth is just a soup base made by simmering an animal's bones and connective tissue (cow, chicken, turkey, fish, etc.) with seasoning in water for 24 to 72+ hours.

What are the benefits of broth?

A study conducted by University of Michigan states that the fat tissue of bone marrow contains a hormone called adiponectin that ensures smooth digestion of food, regulates the level of insulin and lowers down the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Bone marrow contains myeloid and lymphoid stem cells, which transform into white blood cells and red blood cells that improve immunity of the body and contribute in-cell repair and regeneration. Certain studies suggest that bone marrow contains more quantity of vitamins and minerals than the meat itself. It also has a higher amount of calcium, which is excellent for bone health and may help prevent problems like arthritis.

Why does it cost so much?

Sigh. We could talk about this for hours, but to keep it brief, there are a few key things that make broth—particularly our broth—cost what it does (though we believe it’s worth every penny, and our customers tend to agree):

Sourcing: We source from local organic farmers and ranchers, typically running regenerative farms. It takes time, labor, and a whole lot of money to run a farm at this high of quality, but it also means the result is more nutrient-dense ingredients, which makes for a more nutrient-dense broth. The result? The broth is more healing and nourishing for you and your family.

Bones: The number of high-quality, marrow-rich bones required to make a good, gelatinous broth is, well, a lot. If you’ve ever made broth on your own, you know it typically requires stacking a pot as high as possible with these bones and then filling it with water. That means a lot of expensive bones that result in very little final product, relatively.

Packaging and Delivery: Glass jars break and bags are a pain in the a**. Liquid is heavy to ship. Frozen things melt quickly. We could go on. But the basic gist is—getting fresh broth from the stove to your mouth is a tricky and expensive endeavor, and we’re constantly doing everything we can to improve the process, for us as a business, for you as the consumer, and for the planet, too.

Where do you make your broth?

We proudly manufacture all of our products in beautiful Boulder County, Colorado. Specifically, we cook all broth at our commercial kitchen, located at 1850 Industrial Circle, Longmont, CO 80501.

How do you package your broth?

Our product is high-quality, even when it comes to the packaging. That’s why we choose to use American-made, BPA-free resealable bags. We're also working on getting bags that can be recycled.

Do you add the broth to into the bags while hot, which would leach chemicals into it?

No. We actually wait until the broth is fully cooled to add it to the bags so that no plastic or other chemicals leach into the final product.

Where do your ingredients come from?

We’re transparent about every single ingredient that goes into making our broth. Find our list of sources here. And, find all ingredients of each different kind of broth by looking at its page in our store. Otherwise, we’d be happy to answer any questions via email.

Why does this batch taste slightly different than the last one I bought?

We source seasonal ingredients from local farmers and ranchers, which means that we rely not only on what’s growing right now but how well it’s growing right now. If something is thriving, we might have more of it. If a crop happens to struggle one season, we might have less of it. While this varies the flavor of each individual jar or bag of broth slightly, it doesn’t change our quality standards. We are absolutely meticulous about maintaining quality. But, because we’re not your standard commercial operation, where everything is always the same, all the time, made by machines, it does mean some variation occurs here or there.

What's the macronutrient breakdown of each type of broth?

We’re still working on getting this re-tested across each kind of broth, but for now, find relative macronutrient breakdowns for each flavor on their respective pages in our shop.